UAW Local 578

Take Action

Questions 1 & 2 on the Aug. 13 ballot are another power grab by extremist politicians — the same politicians who attacked Wisconsin workers and forced their anti-union laws on our state.

  • Questions 1 & 2 would take away the governor’s ability to direct federal funding – even for emergencies and disaster relief.
  • Extremists in the state legislature want that power for themselves so they can decide how to spend, or block, that money.

You can stop the 1-2 punch AND you can join the UAW team to win Wisconsin in 2024. Click here to sign up and join the UAW family that’s getting out the pro-union vote.

Recent News

The vote on December 19, 2023 passed.  More information will follow soon!  

The voting results of the Special Meeting on 10-21-2023,  MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) on Wages:
91.2% of membership reject the offer.